Monday, August 13, 2012

Twaz The Week Before A New School Year

I believe there is actually a book along the title of "Twaz the night before school"

As  I sit here in PA trying to relax my mind can not help but think about school. Every store has their school supplies out, companies are asking for donations and teachers and students alike are anticipating the beginning of a new school year.

I am doing my best to prepare for the year as I educate myself on new reading strategies and the start of the common core. It is hard to focus on only a few goals as I, by nature, want to get better at every aspect of my teaching.

I was asked yesterday if teachers every stop getting anxious/nervous/excited for the beginning of a new school year...I haven't a clue! I definitely don't have enough years of experience to vocalize an answer. I wouldn't mind the anxious/nervousness to go away but it would be a sad day if I were no longer excited for the start of the new year.

I love new notebooks, setting up my classroom, getting a brand new start, meeting new students, meeting new teachers. How many jobs can you say you get a fresh start each year to prove yourself?!

Well here is to a new school year and may I continue to grow and learn as much, if not more, than my students!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can you believe it...

Today November 15, 2010 I believe I might have received my first kind of compliment from my assistant principal. She used me as an example of what to do when you have a student with special needs. This is awesome because my previous observation she tore me apart and my formal observation I received not demonstrated for catering to special needs students.

I know I at least listen to what they say and try to do better. One step at a time!

Oh and I got some awesome clothes this past week/weekend!

I also went and saw Jimmy and Jennifer!

Hoping for a Terrific tuesday with my Terrific Tuesday Turkey Treats that my mom made for my students....

Oh and new student today. She seems as though she will be added to the good list! YAY! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday for me is quite a bit different then what it is considered in college....

Sunday Funday equals:
1. A walk with the family and their dogs!
2. Grocery shopping with my mom
3. Sitting at Starbucks with my mom just talking!
4. Making white chili while my mom makes homemade pesto
5. Finish all my laundry, clean out my fridge and cleaning my apartment
6. Sitting and watching a movie while catching up with my friends on-line.

I am so content today. Life is good! I even was able to get an extra hour of sleep! Thank you fall back!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I AM blessed!!

Well, today was another day of learning. I learned probably as much as the students learned today. In the course of this one day I had 2 students sent to the behavior management person, 1 student suspended, 1 student get in a physical fight and another student cuss me out and I called her mom in the middle of class....

Needless to say school has been quite the adventure! But as my dad keeps saying "What a learning experience" I will definitely learn a great deal from my first teaching experience.

The biggest thing I'm working on right now is how to appreciate what I have...I could let these students get me down but I have 18 or so students who are really trying, follow directions and want to (the majority of the time) learn. I am making a difference to atleast one student and I can't let myself get discouraged.

I am so fortunate to be able to come home and no matter what type of day I have to be able to see my parents. Tuesday night, naturally, we went out to trivia. Unfortunately my mom broke the record I had set when she wasn't there so I never got any bragging time! But the ability to go out with them whenever they or I want. I have someone to talk to and that really cares about my day.

I also have good friends! An old friend called me today who I have been awful at keeping in touch with, another friend had sent me a card after I had called her pretty much just to vent (perfect timing!).

I AM blessed!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rebecca: The Fisherwoman!

Steps to becoming a great fisherwoman:

1. Receive a great rod and reel for graduation! (Thanks Matt!)
2. A body of water and a boat of sorts (French Creek State Park and Kayaks!)
3. Anchors so that I can fish without floating to the very end of the lake in no time.
4. Bait and actually knowing how to bait one's hook. I used a rubbery warm which Matt taught me repetitively how to hook.
5. Perfecting the perfect cast...after throwing it onto the big rock wall a couple of times I landed it right by the boats along the shore.
6. HOOK THAT FISH!!! WOOOHOOOO! I got my first fish 3 casts into the afternoon. I caught a large mouth bass. The hook went so far in I had to have Matt help me get it out but it was AWESOME!
7. Catch a lot of seaweed and get impatient about catching fish while watching Matt catch 3 fish.
8. As the sun goes down catch that small mouth bass fish!
9. Remind yourself next time to actually bring a jacket as my hands were blue and my whole body was shaking by the end.

All in all great first fishing experience! I got the biggest one of the day!

Getting ready to go off and meet my co counselor for the summer!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A New Adventure

It has been a little over a week since I moved to Pottstown. I have definitely learned somethings about the north and Pottstown.

Things I have learned:
1. There is a major lack of sweet tea up here. However, I quickly used my smarts and realized I can make sweet tea! So I made some sweet tea and Matt contributed some lavender to the mixture which gives a nice interesting flare to the tea.
2. The boys in Pottstown have an interesting way about them. After 2 nights at a local bar I realized all the guys here dress quite thuggish, smoke and have tattoos. Lucky for me I am not looking for a guy in this town!
3. People don't dress up like they do down in Charlottesville! What do I care though! I'm embracing my southern qualities and wearing my sundresses whenever I get a chance.
4. Amish children (to be referred to from now on as Amlets!) are absolutely adorable! I almost want to become amish just so I can have an amlet! While driving to the Shady Maple Smorgasboard we saw horse and buggy and horse drawn tractors. The view was PHENOMINAL!!! The mountains with the sun splitting the clouds on the way there and on the way back the variety of colors in the sky were breath taking!
5. Amish make great food. I currently have in my kitchen peach bread, raspberry bread and apple cinnamin bread. I quickly realized though my home does not have a toaster. But I'm thinking french toast would be great with it!
6. I am a pretty good fisherwoman. Went for the first time yesterday and caught two fish. I was bummed when Matt caught 3! I guess I am a hunter after all and I can't hide my competitive nature.

I will find a theme in my blogs. I will learn how to format them. But for now this is what I have to say! This is directed towards Christina and Anne. I will start carrying a camera and make it more interesting. For now I'm out of is raining and it's movie night for Matt and I.