Monday, August 13, 2012

Twaz The Week Before A New School Year

I believe there is actually a book along the title of "Twaz the night before school"

As  I sit here in PA trying to relax my mind can not help but think about school. Every store has their school supplies out, companies are asking for donations and teachers and students alike are anticipating the beginning of a new school year.

I am doing my best to prepare for the year as I educate myself on new reading strategies and the start of the common core. It is hard to focus on only a few goals as I, by nature, want to get better at every aspect of my teaching.

I was asked yesterday if teachers every stop getting anxious/nervous/excited for the beginning of a new school year...I haven't a clue! I definitely don't have enough years of experience to vocalize an answer. I wouldn't mind the anxious/nervousness to go away but it would be a sad day if I were no longer excited for the start of the new year.

I love new notebooks, setting up my classroom, getting a brand new start, meeting new students, meeting new teachers. How many jobs can you say you get a fresh start each year to prove yourself?!

Well here is to a new school year and may I continue to grow and learn as much, if not more, than my students!